Here's what I will be studying dourning the Institute:
The course is devided in 2 parts. The first two weeks, the topics are:
- An Introduction to the Office of English Language Program (ECA/A/L)ELT Materials (Instructor: Jean Kirschenmann)
- Materials Evaluation and Design with a Focus on Language and Culture (Instructor: Sandy McKay)
The last two weeks, the topics will be:
- Classroom Assessment (Instructor: Catherine Sajna)
- Computer-mediated Language Learning (Instructor: Hanh Nguyen)
The topics I find most interesting and useful are: Materials Evaluation and Design, and Computer-mediated Language Learning. I think both of these topics fit right into what we are doing here at IGA.
By the end of the course I hope to have an evaluation tool that will help us with the flipcharts that we are creating, and I hope to have learned a little bit more about computer-mediated language learning in order to start with our blended learning and distance learning projects.
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