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    Computer Mediated Language Learning Class

    Last friday we had our first class, we discussed very general concepts related to the use of technology. Two points were particularly interesting.

    I will link to a definition here.
    This is an interesting concept. you can think of language as an object that has affordance. an individual will use language depending on his needs, ability, etc.

    So you can think of language as having affordance, which is a very interesting idea I have to explore.

    Computers also have affordance or give you affordances. They allow you to do things depending on your needs, abilities, access, etc.

    The other concept that was interesting is the idea of building practice communities. In order to learn (anything really) you need to join a practice community. Students can draw motivation from being a part of this practice community.

    Computers allow you to build practice communities over distance and time.

    This two concepts will require more exploration.

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